An ultimate wishlist — products from any online store in a single place

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Install Consierge browser extension and save any products into your wish list with a single click. Add, delete, or rearrange items at any time.

App main screen with collections
Cart icon

1,000+ stores

Products from any online store are saved into a single place — always in your browser

Price tag icon

50+ categories

Clothes, home stuff, electronics, outdoors, bikes, cosmetics, perfumes, books... and many more!

Quote icon
Easy to use yet super powerful! Now I finally could see and organize all my plans in a single place. Just never have to worry about buying something again.

Igor Matias


How it works

Online store icon

Go to your favourite online store

Need an inspiration? Check the list of available stores.

Hover online store link
Buy button icon

Click button to save to the wish list

Product will be saved to collection attached to your account.

Adding item to wish list
Cart icon

Open your collection with a simple click

Add, delete, or rearrange items at any time from any device.

Opening dashboard

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